Stop Losing New Patients on the Phones

The "Golden Intro" is the word-for-word intro phone script our elective medical clients use to convert more leads into high-ticket new patient consultations

With instant access to the free training on the next page, your phone team will discover:

  • The simple "Assumptive Language" Model that establishes your authority at the very beginning of the call

  • How to build lightning-fast rapport with every caller

  • The most commonly taught phone intro and why it actually sets you up for failure

  • The 3-second rule to identify the "Potential Patient Mindset" so valuable new patient leads aren't overlooked or mishandled

  • The 7-word question that gets your prospects to "spill their guts" and tell you exactly what you need to know to get them on your consultation schedule

Client Feedback on Our Training Methodologies

"This is awesome info! I find it quite refreshing that we can have a call flow with patients that is professional and not robotic. Thanks so much!"

- BG, Patient Counselor

"Your training is a great way to understand and follow the patient journey into your practice. You understand and map it out in a way that is understandable and doesn't leave room for a lot of "what if's." Having someone outside the business and with your energy is so needed to make this training productive."

- CJ, Practice Admin

"This is excellent. I'm attaching our refractive counselors to this as well since much of the info contained is also very applicable to them."

- GP, Physician CEO

"These points are very valuable whether it is taking a phone call or talking with the patient in person."

- JF, Sales Team Manager

"Thank you for teaching these nuggets of wealth. Great info shared across the board. I have been listening in the Call Center, and I can hear how any objections/questions within the call, we are able to change any objections and just get the patient in here for an appointment."

- JC, Phone Team Manager

"Thanks for sharing your thoughts in a way that inspire, give clarity and empower us to decide who we are as a business instead of react."

- KG, Co-Management Liaison

"This is very helpful, Troy! I started utilizing your framework, and this is working so much better for me when scheduling a patient. Thank you for all your help!"

- RP, Phone Specialist

"Your training around pricing objections has been huge in helping us overcome the pricing objections. That went from being a major issue to a non-issue, even with our price increases."

- SW, Patient Counselor

"Something you mentioned that we have begun implementing into our calls is the point of addressing concerns and then pivoting back to the consultation itself. Your strategies provide a great way to answer questions while still ensuring we bring it back to getting the patient in the door."

- TC, Phone Specialist

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Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real. These results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results.

You should assume that products, programs or personal recommendations made by Troy Cole or LogiCole Consulting may result in compensation paid to me by those I recommend. I recommend resources that I use myself, unless it specifically states that I do not use that resource. I do recommend many products and services to my clients which I do not use myself. If you would rather that I not be compensated for these recommendations, go to Google and search for the item and find a non-affiliate link to use. You should perform your own due diligence and use your own best judgment prior to making any investment decision pertaining to your business or practice. By virtue of visiting this site or interacting with any portion of this site, you agree that you’re fully responsible for the investments you make and any outcomes that may result.